The Lotus Alliance is a prison doula project in Columbia, South Carolina. The project’s co-directors, Kaylin Smith and Sadie Whitehead, work in coalition with other doulas, medical students and doctors to provide support in the Camille Graham Correctional Institution throughout pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Sadie and Kaylin were instrumental in pushing forward an anti-shackling bill […]
Category: Advocacy
New MDH Directories for Organizations Serving Communities Available
The Refugee and International Health (RIH) program and the Infectious Disease Equity and Engagement (IDEE) unit at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) announced that the Directories for Organizations Serving Communities have been updated. The Directories are now formatted in a searchable database that MDH can update regularly. Currently there are three directories available for individuals to […]
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Federally Qualified Health Centers are community-based health care providers that receive funds from the HRSA Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas. These centers provide care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay and operating under a governing board that includes patients. Learn more about what a health […]
CYSHCN Resource: Family Voices
Family Voices is a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities. They connect a network of family organizations across the United States that provide support to families of CYSHCN. They promote partnership with families at all levels of health care–individual and policy decision-making levels—in order to improve health care […]
Resource: ACES Training Modules
Adverse childhood experiences (ACES) are preventable. The CDC has shared some training provided by Veto Violence for ACES education. This training will help you understand, recognize, and prevent ACEs. You’ll learn about risk and protective factors, outcomes associated with ACEs, and evidence-based strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate the impact of ACEs and stop […]
Resource: Policy and Advocacy Training
It is important for MCH leaders to possess policy and advocacy skills, particularly in changing and competitive economic and political environments. MCH leaders understand the resources necessary to improve health and well-being for children, youth, families, and communities, and the need to be able to articulate and advocate for those needs in the context of […]
The Influence of Health Care Policies on Children’s Health and Development
The Society for Research in Child Development has released their latest Social Policy Report. The latest paper reviews the current state of health insurance for children and youth and contrasts health services with the needs of children and families. It then describes new models of health care, including ones that actively connect health care with other […]
National Public Health Week Resources: Healthiest Nation 2030
National Public Health Week (NPHW) takes place from April 4–April 10, 2016 and the American Public Health Association (APHA) has resources to help you to get involved in this year’s campaign Healthiest Nation 2030. For more information, visit the NPHW website. You can also follow @NPHW on Twitter and join the conversation by using #NPHW in your tweets.
NEW Human Trafficking Fact Sheet: Definitions, Prevalence, Risk Markers, & Health Consequences
The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health has developed a new Human Trafficking fact sheet. This resource describes human trafficking definitions, prevalence, risk markers, & health consequences. This fact sheet is free and available to anyone who wishes to distribute it. Download the fact sheet at Human Trafficking Fact Sheet (pdf).
Pediatric Care Coordination Request for Proposals Due March 21, 2014
The Minnesota Department of Health is seeking proposals from nonprofit organizations, Institutes of Higher Education, clinics or hospitals that will manage and implement the care coordination project. The goal of this project is to test, evaluate and plan for the spread of successful care coordination model(s) for Children and Youth with Special Health Needs (CYSHN). […]
The Affordable Care Act: How Will it Work and How Will it Affect Maternal and Child Health Populations?
What are the goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? What are the primary mechanisms through which the ACA will meet its goals? What is the potential impact of the ACA on women, children, adolescents, and immigrant families? We just released a 36-page publication that addresses these questions.To read our Healthy Generations volume about the ACA, […]
Factsheets About the Affordable Care Act and MCH Populations
The Affordable Care Act: Basic Provisions and Implications for Maternal and Child Health Populations We at the Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health put together a series of factsheets about the Affordable Care Act in September 2013 to describe some of its provisions and implications for specific populations. Each of the […]
Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines Dissemination Toolkit
More people are overweight in the United States today than ever before. More than 2 out of every 3 adults are overweight or obese. And more than half of women in their childbearing years (ages 12-44) are overweight or obese. How much weight the mother gains (or not) over a pregnancy is important for the […]
How will uninsured and Medicaid recipients be affected by the Affordable Care Act?
The Kaiser Family Foundation developed an interactive tool to that shows how the Affordable Care Act will affect communities throughout the US. One interactive map focuses on increases in the number of people who will be enrolled in Medicaid and the other map focuses on the future reductions in the number of people who are […]
Using video storytelling to provide health education across 52 languages
HRSA profiles the work of the International Community Health Services (ICHS), a health center in the Seattle area, that provides a model for how health centers can offer culturally competent care to a linguistically diverse clientele. – Read more on how how health centers can offer culturally competent care to a linguistically diverse clientele