The Lotus Alliance is a prison doula project in Columbia, South Carolina. The project’s co-directors, Kaylin Smith and Sadie Whitehead, work in coalition with other doulas, medical students and doctors to provide support in the Camille Graham Correctional Institution throughout pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Sadie and Kaylin were instrumental in pushing forward an anti-shackling bill […]
Category: MCH Leadership
Strengthen the Evidence for MCH Programs
The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) Newsletter of May 2022 announced the release of the national and agency-specific ESM reviews that examine general trends across the 756 Evidence-Based/Informed Strategy Measure (ESM) detail sheets and action plans from all 59 states and jurisdictions for the 2022 Application/2020 Annual Report of the Title V MCH Services […]
Resource: Policy and Advocacy Training
It is important for MCH leaders to possess policy and advocacy skills, particularly in changing and competitive economic and political environments. MCH leaders understand the resources necessary to improve health and well-being for children, youth, families, and communities, and the need to be able to articulate and advocate for those needs in the context of […]
Resource: HRSA 2017 Health Equity Report
Persistent and emerging patterns of health disparities exist throughout the United States at the national, state, and local level. The Office of Health Equity, a sector of Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), created the 2017 Health Equity Report, which presents a comprehensive assessment of programs aimed to reduce those disparities and promote health equity. The report addresses […]
Resource: Title V Transformation Tools
The MCH Navigator provides maternal and child health professionals competency-based learning and tools to improve the field of Maternal and Child Health. In order to effectively address the 15 National Performance Measures (NPMs), the MCH Navigator created the Title V Transformation Tools Portal. The portal encourages professionals to consider evidence and strategies to create change in the […]
Protected: 2018 MCH CoE & Catalyst Meeting
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Resources Available for Individuals and Families in Wake of Charlottesville Violence
The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) and its members have gathered resources for coping in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, VA on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017. In this blog post, you will find resources designed to help those affected on any level to cope in the aftermath of this tragic event. Topics include talking to […]
Resource: Archived Webinar – Where to Find MCH Resources
In this webinar, presented by the Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) Workforce Development Committee, you will hear from John Richards, of the MCH Navigator, on where and how to find public health information online that you need in your daily work, regardless of what your job is or how long you’ve […]
Resource: MCH Leadership Competencies
“To be a leader in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) requires specific knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, and values. The leadership competencies described in this document and drawn from both theory and practice are designed to support and promote MCH leadership.” -from Maternal and Child Health Leadership Competencies VERSION 3.0 This 37-page document is targeted to MCH […]
Resource: MCH Navigator’s Public Health Pronto
The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) MCH Navigator–a learning portal for MCH professionals, students, and others–just launched Public Health Pronto, a new microlearning initiative that mirrors the 12 month 5-Minute MCH program. Pronto offers focused content in small, time-efficient formats, perfect for helping the busy public health practitioner stay current on core competency concepts. Each month, the modules […]
Resource Guide: Diversity & Health Equity in the MCH Workforce
Diversity and Health Equity in the Maternal and Child Health Workforce: A Resource Guide to Key Strategies and Actions for MCH Training Programs is intended to share strategies and activities to support training programs’ efforts to increase diversity and integrate cultural and linguistic competence into training efforts. Each section includes resources and short vignettes highlighting strategies […]
Website: 5-Minute MCH
The MCH Navigator’s 5-Minute MCH was created to help busy Title V professionals receive quality, tailored information and resources quickly. This online program utilizes short bursts of microlearning to improve professionals’ knowledge and skills of the 12 MCH Leadership Competencies. It also contains an online Self-Assessment to further refine learning needs. Learning in 5-minute intervals to strengthen your […]
Audio: MCH Topics from MN Experts
The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health helped identify local MCH speakers to be featured on Community Health Dialogue, a weekly public health program on KMOJ-FM (89.9 FM) hosted by Clarence Jones. Special MCH guests include MCH Center director Dr. Wendy Hellerstedt, several MCH Program graduates and Minnesota Health Commissioner Ed Ehlinger. There is audio available on […]
5-Minute MCH: MCH Leadership Competencies
The MCH Navigator designed a program to improve students’ and professionals’ knowledge and skills of the 12 MCH Leadership Competencies. The 5-Minute MCH: Master the MCH Leadership Competencies in 5-Minutes per Week explores each competency through learning opportunities and implementation strategies, culminating in an interactive learning session with an expert from the field.
11th Annual Women’s Health Research Conference: Updates on Women’s Cancer Research
Since its inception, the Center for Maternal and Child Public Health has been a co-sponsor of the Women’s Health Research Conference at the University of Minnesota. It attracts a regional audience of public health, medicine, and nursing providers and students. The conference will be held on Monday, September 29, 2014 in the McNamara Alumni Center, […]