The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) released recommendations for boys and the HPV vaccine yesterday. In order to reduce risk of acquiring genital warts, in 2009 the ACIP advised that the vaccine may be administered to males aged 9 through 26, however they did not recommend the vaccine for routine use. The unanimous […]
Tag: Vaccines
From the Lancet: estimated incidence of HPV among men
As several news sources are now reporting, results from a cohort study funded by the National Cancer Institute note that 50% of a recent study’s participants tested positively for HPV at enrollment. Okay, that’s not quite what they’re saying. But they aren’t epidemiologists, are they? The cohort study, conducted by researchers at the H. Lee […]
You’re getting your flu shot… Right?
With flu season upon us, Adam Ruban’s piece for NPR hit a nerve for this reader. As Ruban notes, “tens of millions” of expired H1N1 vaccine were destroyed this past summer — meaning that millions of Americans decided to forgo vaccination and take their chances with a potentially deadly flu strand. According to the CDC, […]
The Vaccine Controversy
Given the increasing number of H1N1 illnesses and associated deaths reported by the CDC–including nine confirmed deaths among children for the week of October 11-17, 2009–this article on swine-flu parties in Bio-medicine sent chills down my spine: “These are parents who are reportedly arranging swine flu ‘parties’ — similar to chicken pox or measles parties […]