The March of Dimes has initiated a new project called Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait (HBWW). This public health campaign strives to prevent factors related to preterm birth, including social, medical and biological influences. Children born prematurely are more likely to have vision and hearing problems, lasting physical and mental disabilities, and learning delays […]
Tag: Perinatal health
Healthy Homes: Lead Poisoning
Keeping the home healthy: an environmental health issue. But should it also be a concern for MCH? Where children spend time eating, drinking, playing, doing homework and sleeping, should the MCH field focus on how living spaces may influence health? Many of the hazards that affect a child’s life course may originate in the home […]
Our prenatal prospects: some thoughts
The “new” science of fetal orgins, as a New York Times column by Nicholas Kristof describes, draws substantial correlations between many diseases (autism, schizophrenia, even obesity) and an infant’s uterine environment. Although research remains mixed, much of it indicates that life before birth has a substantial impact on later life course. (FYI: Barker and colleagues were […]
Women’s Health in Nepal
Women’s Health in Nepal: An interview with Dr. Sangeeta Mishra by Public Radio International.
The full audio program is available at
New Slideset Available on PeriStats
Mental Health Needs of Low-Income Children With Special Health Care Needs The following information has been provided by the March of Dimes: PeriStats is an online source for perinatal statistics developed by the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center. PeriStats provides free access to maternal and infant health-related data at the US, state, county, and […]