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National Public Health Week Resources: Healthiest Nation 2030

National Public Health Week (NPHW) takes place from April 4–April 10, 2016 and the American Public Health Association (APHA) has resources to help you to get involved in this year’s campaign Healthiest Nation 2030. For more information, visit the NPHW website. You can also follow @NPHW on Twitter and join the conversation by using #NPHW in your tweets.

Student Spotlight: How is Mi Lee Helping WIC Participants Have Healthy Pregnancies?

by Mi H. Lee I am currently working with the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) at the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). WIC is a government-run nutrition program that helps young families eat well and be healthy. One way they achieve this goal is by providing pregnant women with nutrition education, […]

January Quick-Guides: Stalking Awareness & Cervical Health Awareness

January is National Stalking Awareness Month and Cervical Health Awareness Month. Our Quick-Guides will help you participate in these adolescent-related national health observances, especially when using social media. To learn how to use these Quick-Guides, check out the User Guide. To access our other Quick-Guides, visit:

Practice Notes: Resilience in Maltreated Children

Resilience in Maltreated Children, published by the University of Minnesota’s Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW), contains practice considerations for professionals, case examples, reflection questions, references and more. Click here for more information. This issue of Practice Notes was created in partnership with the Institute for Translational Research in Children’s Mental Health (ITR) and is supported, in […]

An Evaluation for the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities

This study describes the characteristics and experiences of youth from the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities, and compares their academic achievement to that of their peers. This study answered the following research questions: (1) What are the characteristics and experiences of youth who participate in the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities? (2) How […]

Children’s Mental Health Case Study about Depression

The staff at the Children, Youth & Family Consortium have created Children’s Mental Health Case Studies. These online, interactive tools encourage practitioners, instructors, graduate students and community partners to collaborate together and explore how to respond effectively to children’s mental health needs. Each case study tells the story of a developing child and the adults […]

Global Nutrition Report

This report card on the world’s global, regional and country-by-country nutrition assesses countries’ progress in meeting global nutrition targets established by the World Health Assembly. It documents how well countries, aid donors, NGOs, businesses, and others are meeting the commitments they made at the major Nutrition for Growth summit in 2013. This report is the second report in an annual […]

Children in Common: Ensuring the Emotional Well-Being of Children When Parenting Apart

The Children, Youth & Family Consortium’s Children’s Mental Health eReview summarizes children’s mental health research and implications for practice and policy. It addresses the gap between what we know from the literature and what we experience working with families. Each issue explores a specific topic area and reflects the expertise of a group of people […]

5-Minute MCH: MCH Leadership Competencies

The MCH Navigator designed a program to improve students’ and professionals’ knowledge and skills of the 12 MCH Leadership Competencies. The 5-Minute MCH: Master the MCH Leadership Competencies in 5-Minutes per Week explores each competency through learning opportunities and implementation strategies, culminating in an interactive learning session with an expert from the field.

Promoting Children’s Mental Health

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “mental health?” The Children, Youth & Family Consortium (CYFC) created the short video Mental Health: Yours, Mine and Ours shows us how children’s mental health is a public health issue. Want more? See their publication on how social emotional learning is linked to children’s mental health, […]

Mental Health: Yours, Mine and Ours

What do you think about when you hear “children’s mental health”? Extension Children, Youth & Family Consortium (CYFC) has published a new video titled: “Mental Health: Yours, Mine and Ours“.  Watch this 6-minute video to learn about children’s mental health as a public health issue, mental health prevention and promotion activities, and ways to support […]

Resources from the October 20, 2014 Interdisciplinary Institute on the Reproductive Health of Incarcerated Women in Minnesota

On October 20, 2014, approximately 100 people attended the Interdisciplinary Institute on the Reproductive Health of Incarcerated Women in Minnesota at the University of Minnesota. Presentation and discussion topics include: Experiences from the field expert panel Preconception and prenatal health Health care of pregnant women in state prisons Intervening with pregnant women incarcerated at jail Pregnancy and […]

Free Online Modules from the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare

The Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare’s online modules are self-directed learning opportunities for child welfare professionals, foster parents, advocates, and others interested in the topics. They were developed in order to present the child welfare practice-relevant findings of research undertaken by faculty and staff at the School of Social Work as well as […]

Communicating about Health to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

A new free online module was developed for professionals to help improve knowledge and skills about communicating with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in the areas of: health care and wellness encounters with people with I/DD; universal design in written and electronic communication; language use to demonstrate respect; supporting self-determination in health; the […]