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Student Spotlight Series: How Did Keelin Roche Utilize a Literature Review to Support her International Field Experience?

This piece is part of a five part series of Student Spotlights highlighting the applied practice experience of four students in the Dominican Republic during the Summer of 2018. The other four parts of the series include an interview by Elizabeth Stanczyk and experience reflections from Shelby Panttaja, Elizabeth Stanczyk, and Hannah McNamee. #UMNMCH student Keelin Roche […]

Student Spotlight Series: MCH Students Build their Practice Skills in the Dominican Republic

This piece is part of a five part series of Student Spotlights highlighting the applied practice experience of four students in the Dominican Republic during the Summer of 2018. The other four parts of the series include experience reflections from Shelby Panttaja, Elizabeth Stanczyk, Keelin Roche and Hannah McNamee. The following piece is a reflection written by Elizabeth […]

Student Spotlight: How has Olivia Beckman Used Her Experience as a Family Medicine Physician to Promote Mental Well-Being for Mothers and Children?

#UMNMCH student Olivia Beckman (MPH 2019) wrote this reflection on her field experience opportunity with the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), where she assisted in promoting maternal mental well-being. This field experience was facilitated through a deployment funded by the Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health. As a former family medicine physician […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Kristen Wanta’s RAship Prepare Her for the Real-life Experiences of a Career in Public Health?

A Center for MCH Interview with MCH Student Kristen Wanta Center Research Assistant, Elizabeth Stanczyk, had the opportunity to interview former colleague Kristen Wanta on her experiences as a student and Research Assistant in the University of Minnesota’s (UMN) Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program, in which she had the opportunity to present her work at […]

Student Spotlight: How are Elise Parks’ Interests in Rural Health and Maternal Mortality Inspiring the Direction of her Masters Program?

#UMNMCH student Elise Parks (MPH 2018) wrote this reflection on how her coursework, internships, field experience, and culminating experience have all contributed to her career in Maternal and Child Health. When I first entered the University of Minnesota (UMN) Masters of Public Health Program, I struggled to select a single topic area to concentrate on. […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Sonja Ausen Anifrani Use Technology to Improve Maternal Health in Uganda?

#UMNMCH Student, Sonja Ausen Anifrani (MPH 2018), talks about why she chose the University of Minnesota and her field experience abroad in Kampala, Uganda. View all of our Student Spotlights to learn more about the Maternal and Child Health Program at the University of Minnesota.   Read Student Spotlight Archives Interested in learning more about getting a degree […]

Student Spotlight: How did Emily Laurent get the Opportunity to Present Her Research at the Annual Making Lifelong Connections Meeting?

A Center for MCH Interview with MCH Student Emily Laurent Center Research Assistant, Kristen Wanta, had an opportunity to interview Emily Laurent about some of her interests and efforts, some of which provided Emily with an opportunity to present her work to a national audience of her peers. Read the interview below. Q: Hi Emily! […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Stephanie Boylan Use Her Coursework to Recommend Food Policies to Staff at Brooklyn Park City Hall?

By Stephanie Boylan For my field experience, I worked with the Resilient Communities Project (RCP). The mission of RCP is to connect communities in Minnesota with University of Minnesota faculty and students to advance local sustainability and resilience through collaborative, course-based projects.  RCP partnered with Brooklyn Park on 24 projects during the 2016-2017 school-year.  These […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Andrew Sieban Learn to Communicate Cancer Topics With Diverse Stakeholders?

By Andrew Sieban As an undergraduate biochemist, learning how to communicate to a variety of audiences was not a skill that I prioritized. I knew little about the intricacies of public health and how it was actually pursued and accomplished before starting my Master of Public Health (MPH) program. My familiarity was with data, but […]

Student Spotlight: How did Sara Bowman’s RAship give her hands-on qualitative and quantitative research experience?

I am a second-year graduate student earning my Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health. I came to the program straight out of a bachelor’s degree, but I have had the opportunity to gain valuable experience through my involvement in the School of Public Health. I served as a member of the Community […]

Student Spotlight: How did Andrew Sieben learn to communicate cancer topics with diverse stakeholders?

As an undergraduate biochemist, learning how to communicate to a variety of audiences was not a skill that I prioritized. I knew little about the intricacies of public health and how it was actually pursued and accomplished before starting my Master of Public Health (MPH) Program at the University of Minnesota. My familiarity was with […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Tory Bruch Support Families Healing from Substance Abuse and Trauma?

  By Tory Bruch I am a second year graduate student earning my Master of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health. Though I entered the program with limited professional working experience, I have taken advantage of the many opportunities available to students in the School of Public Health; I have found jobs and volunteer […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Nicki Cupit Use Public Health Skills to Promote Safe Infant Sleep at a State Health Department?

By: Nicki Cupit I had the privilege of working with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) this summer as part of the Human Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Graduate Student Epidemiology Program (GSEP). As a GSEP participant, I was involved in a process evaluation employing a mixed-methods approach to answer evaluation questions of the […]

Student Spotlight: How did a guest lecturer help Sam Lo “land” on her area of study?

Sam Lo (MPH 2016) talks about how her background in law led to public health, and how a guest lecturer in her Foundations of MCH Leadership (PubH 6630) course created an opportunity for her to undertake important work that has direct impact on pregnant incarcerated women. With funding through HRSA, the Center for Leadership Education in MCH was able to […]

Student Spotlight: How did Love Odetola’s international work inspire her pursuit of an MPH?

Recent graduate Love Odetola (MPH 2016) is passionate about eliminating inequities in maternal and child health (MCH). In this Student Spotlight, Odetola–who won the 2016 President’s Student Leadership and Service Award for her local and international leadership and philanthropic work–discusses her pathway to the UMN’s MCH Program and her work with the World Health Organization (WHO). In […]