In May 2017 Dr. Wendy Hellerstedt, MCH Graduate Program Director, was featured in the School of Public Health’s 90-second podcast about what women need to know about staying healthy. Read a partial transcript here.
Category: Resources
Resource: Hispanic Children’s Participation in Early Care and Education–A Look at Utilization Patterns of Chicago’s Publicly Funded Programs
This research brief from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families on Latino utilization of early care and education (ECE) programs in Chicago. Studies have long found that young Hispanic children are consistently less likely than their non-Hispanic peers to enroll in preschool, a contributor to the gap in educational achievement affecting low-income […]
Resource: MN Public Health Data Access Portal
Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Data Portal allows you to sort data by category, topic, and region so that you can “explore comprehensive, integrated population health and environmental data.” You can also receive data updates and request consultation to get help on your next project, schedule a demonstration or training, and learn how to use public […]
Alumni Guest Post: Mental Health of International Students–What are the challenges and what can we do about it?
by Satlaj Dighe, MPH (2016), U of MN Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program alumna International students are an important community of University of Minnesota (U of MN). In the academic year of 2016-17, the U of MN welcomed 5,500 international students from 130 different countries. International students bring in dynamism and a great diversity of perspectives […]
MCH Student Projects: Global MCH Infographics (PubH 6630)
Students of Foundations of Maternal and Child Health Leadership (MCH) (PubH 6630) researched and designed infographics on global MCH topics. The infographics were designed by MCH students enrolled in PubH 6630 during Fall 2016, and describe the public health issue and offer solutions to help alleviate or improve the selected topic. The course is taught […]
Resource: Accomplishments of the U.S. Global Change Research Program
Established under the Global Research Act of 1990, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) has provided strategic planning and coordination to 13 participating federal agencies working to advance the science of global environmental change. This new report, Accomplishments of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, highlights notable accomplishments of the program, both through its […]
Resource: Mental Health of Transgender Youth–The Role of Family, School & Community in Promoting Resilience
Mental Health of Transgender Youth: The Role of Family, School, and Community in Promoting Resilience is the latest issue in the Children, Youth & Family Consortium’s (CYFC) Children’s Mental Health eReview series. In this issue, you will learn about terminology and statistics related to transgender youth, their experiences, strengths and struggles, and ways to support them […]
Resource: Developing Culturally Responsive Approaches to Serving Diverse Populations
This resource guide, from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families, identifies easily accessible resources on cultural competency that community-based service organizations can use to become more responsive to the needs of their targeted populations, and to help attract funds to support their important work. As communities become more culturally and linguistically diverse, community-based service […]
Resource: Striving to Reduce Youth Violence Everywhere (STRYVE)
STRYVE, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides a user-friendly interface to help public health researchers develop initiatives to prevent youth violence in their communities and measure the intervention’s outcomes and efficacy. Participants are guided in planning, implementation, and evaluation processes and have access to a library of evidence-based practices and data visualization […]
Resource: Zika Virus: Protecting Pregnant Women & Babies
Zika virus infection (Zika) during pregnancy can cause damage to the brain, microcephaly, and congenital Zika syndrome, a pattern of conditions in the baby that includes brain abnormalities, eye defects, hearing loss, and limb defects. In 2016, 44 states reported cases of pregnant women with evidence of Zika. The April issue of VitalSigns from […]
Resource: New HEADS UP Resources from the CDC
Keeping children and teens healthy and safe is always a top priority. The new HEADS UP site helps others recognize, respond to, and minimize the risk of concussion or other serious brain injuries. It provides information about brain injury basics, helmet safety, concussion laws, for parents, providers, and schools. Public health professionals can check out the toolkit to […]
Resource: National Child Abuse Prevention Month
Featured resources were developed by the Children’s Bureau within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to support service providers in their work with parents, caregivers, and their children to prevent child abuse and neglect and promote child and family well-being. They represent the work of a broad-based partnership of national organizations, Federal partners, […]
Resource: Youth and Young Adult Mental Health Information (Multiple Sources)
Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Health and Substance Use Problems in the Early Emerging Adult Years in the United States (NAHIC): This 2010 study investigates the mental health status and receipt of services among young adults across multiple outcomes (e.g., race/ethnicity, income, insurance). One major finding was that fewer than 50 percent of young adults […]
Resource: Life Course Indicator–Concentrated Disadvantage (Info Sheets)
Concentrated disadvantage (CD) is one of 59 life course indicators developed by the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP). Concentrated disadvantage is the proportion of households located in census tracts with a high level of concentrated disadvantage, calculated using five census variables: 1) Percent of individuals below the poverty line, 2) Percent of individuals […]
Guest Post: Reflection on caring for refugees in Lesbos, Greece
Charles Oberg, former director of the Maternal and Child Health MPH Program, recently returned from Lesbos Greece where he helped serve thousands of refugees. Below is a reflection of his experience. By Charles Oberg, MD, MPH As President Trump’s proposed U.S. refugee travel ban continues to work its way through the courts, I make a plea […]