Concentrated disadvantage (CD) is one of 59 life course indicators developed by the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP). Concentrated disadvantage is the proportion of households located in census tracts with a high level of concentrated disadvantage, calculated using five census variables: 1) Percent of individuals below the poverty line, 2) Percent of individuals on public assistance, 3) Percent female-headed households, 4) Percent unemployed, 5) Percent less than age 18.
The Life Course Indicator: Concentrated Disadvantage Info Sheet (left) and Life Course Indicators Tip Sheet: Concentrated Disadvantage (right) were created to help you use the CD life course indicators.
- Read a 4-page summary about Concentrated Disadvantage and Birth Outcomes in New Mexico
- Read the 4-page report on Concentrated Disadvantage, Stress and their Effects on Pregnancy (also from New Mexico)