
Try looking in the monthly archives.

Perceptions of HIV in Hard Hit Areas

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has released a new and enlightening report from a 12-city project initiated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Department created the plan to enhance HIV prevention, care and treatment in cities with high HIV/AIDS burden. These metropolitan cities represent 44% of the U.S.’s AIDS […]

Ad Council takes on Unintended Pregnancies

Today CNN covered an opinion piece from Laura Sessions Stepp, a Pulitzer Prize journalist and former Washington Post reporter, on young adults and contraception. The Ad Council has accepted a proposal from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy to run a series of ads targeting adults in their 20’s to use birth […]

Videos available from May 2011 Symposium on Children’s Mental Health

2011 Public Health Symposium on Early Childhood Mental Health Translating the science of early experiences into culturally informed policy and practice Keynote Speakers included: Robert Anda, MD, MS, Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention Atum Azzahir, Powderhorn/Phillips Cultural Wellness Center Diane Benjamin, MPH, FrameWorks Institute Ed Ehlinger, MD, MS, Commissioner of Health, Minnesota Megan Gunnar, […]

APHA Wrap-Up, 2011

With American Public Health Association’s (APHA) annual conference complete, take a look at the general opening session on their YouTube Channel, including a keynote by  Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service about the value of open spaces on health. Additional videos include Pamela Hyde from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services […]

A Partnership between Research and Policy: APHA– Day 3

I started off the morning by attending a presentation called Policy and Advocacy in Maternal and Child Health. This insightful session at the American Public Health Association’s annual conference included a staffer from Capitol Hill who works on the health subcommittee as a previous public health professional. She taught us tricks to engaging our Congress […]

Health Campaigns: APHA Day 2

Sitting on the floor in a crowded room of public health professionals, everyone gathered at American Public Health Association’s annual conference (day 2) to hear about social media and its application in promoting health. With people standing against walls and overflowing into the hallway, Miguel Gomez from started his presentation describing how and when people want to […]

Greetings from APHA– Day 1

Hello from Washington D.C.! site of the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) annual conference. With snow in October, much of the east coast faced a shock, including me coming from Minnesota, but even more so for others in warmer areas of the country. The first day was filled with networking, starting at the Association of […]

Research: Transitioning Teens with HIV into Adult Care

This week, to follow theme of our recently published Healthy Generations: MCH in the New Era of HIV, we will be posting articles, pictures, organizations, and advocacy efforts addressing HIV issues today. Come back, check-out the blog, and keep updated on the posts! In January 2011, the Journal of Pediatric Health Care published an article […]

HPV Vaccination Recommendation for Boys

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) released recommendations for boys and the HPV vaccine yesterday. In order to reduce risk of acquiring genital warts, in 2009 the ACIP advised that the vaccine may be administered to males aged 9 through 26, however they did not recommend the vaccine for routine use. The unanimous […]

Women, HIV/AIDS and Art

The HIV/AIDS Resource Center for Women developed by the website The Body is committed to providing resources on the HIV/AIDS epidemic in women. They have created a special report entitled HIV & Me: A Woman’s Guide to Living with HIV, as well as news, roundtables, and information on pregnancy, complications and relationships. The site also […]

Article: Prevention Efforts in HIV Transmission

To follow theme of our recently published Healthy Generations: MCH in the New Era of HIV, we will be posting articles, pictures, organizations, and advocacy efforts addressing HIV issues today. Come back, check-out the blog, and keep updated on the posts! The New York Times has published an article addressing current research in HIV prevention, […]

New Issue of Healthy Generations: MCH in the New Era of HIV

Hot off the presses! The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health at the University of Minnesota is very pleased to announce the release of the Fall 2011 issue of Healthy Generations on MCH in the New Era of HIV. Print copies will arrive in your mailbox in the next couple of […]

Videos: Promoting Healthy Generations

Check out two public education videos that simply and eloquently express a lifecourse perspective on health. Healthiest Nation in One Generation  articulates some basic principles for healthy living. The Girl Effect is an uplifting video about how girls have the potential to end poverty for themselves and for future generations.