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Resource: 2018 Interoperability Standards Advisory

As technology continues to emerge in the world, the need for standards and regulations of health technology use continues to increase. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) released the 2018 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA) to address these current issues.  The Oxford Dictionary defines interoperability as “the ability of computer systems […]

Resource: Connecting the Dots – An Overview of the Links Among Multiple Forms of Violence

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Prevention Institute created this publication to describe research about the connections between different forms of violence and how they impact communities.   Research finds that people who experience or are exposed to one form of violence are more likely to be a victim of other forms […]

Resource: March of Dimes IMPLICIT Interconception Care Toolkit

March of Dimes works to support healthy mothers and families throughout communities.  In collaboration with the Family Medicine Education Consortium, the organization has launched the IMPLICIT (Interventions to Minimize Preterm and Low Birthweight Infants Using Continuous Improvement) Toolkit.  The Toolkit focuses on interconception care (ICC) and is aimed to be used by medical and/or public […]

Resource: Strategies to Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Young Children

Between birth and the age of 5 years old, many stages occur in a child’s development, including the initiation of eating and drinking habits.  As research increases, the impact of sugar on brain development has become more relevant.  In the summer of 2017, theNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board gathered in […]

Resource: Disparities in the Health and Well-Being of U.S. Children and Youth in Rural Areas Webinar

The health of children and youth in rural areas remains an Maternal and Child Health (MCH) public health concern.  This population faces health disparities, especially within access to healthcare and health outcomes.  The U.S. Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB) released an hour-long webinar training to share the most recent national data on access, health status, and mortality patterns for youth and children in rural […]

Resource: Title V Integration Toolkit

Various states and programs have successfully used Title V data to adapt their approaches to improving the outcomes of children and families.  In order to spotlight this progress and provide examples for other states and programs, the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP), in collaboration with AEM corporation, created the Title V Integration […]

Resource: 2017 Minnesota Statewide Health Assessment

  The Minnesota Department of Health collaborated with Healthy Minnesota Partnership to release the 2017 Minnesota Statewide Health Assessment . This report provides an overview of the health and well-being of citizens and communities in Minnesota. The assessment aims to look beyond averages and delve deeper into the injustices that occur at the individual, neighborhood, and community levels. Community members, partners, and public health officials […]