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Student Spotlight: How has Munira Salad’s Deployment with the 40-Day Project shaped her Perspectives on Maternal Mental Well-being and Postpartum Support?

#UMNMCH student, Munira Salad (MPH 2024, she/her), describes how her passion for community health and engagement introduced her to community-based participatory research (CBPR) approaches and deepened her interest in programs focused on underserved communities. In this Student Spotlight, Munira describes her deployment with the 40-Day Project, which aims to improve postpartum mental well-being in the […]

Student Spotlight: How is Estefanía Henríquez Luthje’s MCH Program Experience Inspiring Her Desire to Establish an MCH Center in the Dominican Republic?

Estefanía Henríquez Luthje (she/her, MPH 2024), a Fulbright Foreign Student at #UMNMCH, shares a personal reflection on her background as an M.D. in the Dominican Republic, current experience managing the Health Equity Edition of the National MCH Trainee Blog (MCH Leads), and future hopes to establish a Center for MCH in the Dominican Republic. The […]

Student Spotlight: How did Annie Olson’s Interests in Mental Health and Adolescents Inspire Her Desire for Health Equity?

#UMNMCH student Annie Olson (MPH 2024) wrote this reflection on how her deployment with the Minnesota Department of Health gave her the opportunity to analyze and disseminate information about the health of Minnesota adolescents and contributed to her understanding of mental health equity.  What was your path to the UMN MCH Program? Before coming to […]

Student Spotlight: How Did Tia Joy Peterson’s Interest in Changing Outcomes for Incarcerated Parents and their Children Inspire the Direction of her Master’s Program?

#UMNMCH student Tia Joy Peterson (she/her/hers) wrote this reflection on how her field experience and deployment contributed to her career in Maternal and Child Health (MCH). When I first entered the University of Minnesota (UMN) Master of Public Health specified in MCH, I knew right away that I wanted to concentrate on how to reduce […]

Student Spotlight: How did Mary Kate Leloux’s Deployment with the Minnesota Department of Health’s PRAMS Project provide a foundational experience in public health data collection processes?

#UMNMCH student Mary Kate Leloux (she/her) (MPH 2024) wrote this reflection on how her deployment with the Minnesota Department of Health PRAMS Project and passion for communities has developed her interest in representative public health data.   Path to the UMN MPH in MCH Program  With undergraduate studies in biology and sociology, I was often asked […]

Student Spotlight: How is Ruth Arévalo’s Interest in Health Equity and Storytelling/Data Visualization Inspiring the Direction of Their Masters Program?

#UMNMCH student Ruth Arévalo (they/she) (MPH 2024) wrote this reflection on how their community work, nursing career, and deployment have contributed to their career in Maternal and Child Health.  Path to The UMN MPH MCH Program Before coming to the UMN MPH MCH program, I worked for 10 years in the fast-paced environment of the […]

Want to Expand Your MCH Education? Opportunities are Available with MCH Navigator

The MCH Navigator has created the Learning Program resource as they recognize that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to learning, so it offers a growing selection of learning programs to match participants’ educational needs and time requirements. Participants have access to both (1) focused and fast micro-learning (and micro-reflection) programs for when they need to […]

AUCD Resources on the Life course

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), has released resources on the life course model for students, teachers, and others for use in professional development or to aid in presenting. This site includes a health equity quiz, case studies on […]

2012 Summer Institute on Adolescent Health: Equal Access, Equal Say: Achieving Health Equity for all Young People

The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health, in partnership with the Center for Adolescent Nursing, the Minnesota Department of Education, the Healthy Youth Development-Prevention Research Center, the Minnesota Department of Health, and Teenwise Minnesota, is pleased to announce the 2012 Summer Institute on Adolescent Health. When: July 30- August 2, 2012 […]

Strong Foundations: Minnesota’s Birth to Three Institute for Healthy Development

The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health, the Center for Early Education and Development, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Minnesota Department of Education are excited to sponsor Strong Foundations: Minnesota’s Birth to Three Institute for Healthy Development. The purpose of this institute is […]

2012 SPH Research Day

On April 2, 2012, students from the University of Minnesota (UMN) were given the chance to present research they have been working on, bridging their training with producing and presenting original work. School of Public Health Student Research Day includes Master’s thesis and other projects students may have worked on throughout their career. Research Day […]

Picturing the Future of MCH

Take a look at this chat between Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) Executive Director Michael Fraser, AMCHP President Stephanie Birch, and Aimee Eden, PhD candidate and MCH trainee at University of South Florida. They discuss the future of Maternal and Child Health in state leadership positions, from the perspectives of Ms. Birch […]

So you want to be a leader… but how?

Leadership Competencies are complicated and difficult to assess. How do you measure critical thinking? How do you know if someone has successfully reflected on personal goals, strengths or limitations? If this type of growth is ongoing and subjective, how do we know if an individual is where they should be in their development or training? […]

MCH Student Elisabeth Seburg ‘LEND’s an ear at AMCHP

Elisabeth Seburg is a second year MPH student at the University of Minnesota School Of Public Health. She is in the Maternal and Child Health program as well as a fellow in the University of Minnesota Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Program. As a trainee in two MCHB funded programs, Elisabeth tells […]