Search Publication Archives:
From Conflict to the US: Refugee Mental Health
Waite House: We Are Family
Sow the Seeds: Co-ops, Shoppers, and Community Unite to Assist Farmers
Public Health and the Media: An Uneasy Partnership During Disasters
The Cost of Caring: Healers’ Healing and Resiliency in the Aftermath of Disaster
The Return to Work Post-Disaster: What Can Employers do to Support Employees?
Virtual Disaster Exposure and Children’s Mental Health
Children and the Media: What Happens When Disasters Unfold in Our Homes?
Anticipating the Unthinkable: Emergency Preparedness Online Training
Disparity and Dispossession, Hope and Healing: Health in American Indian Communities
Historical Trauma: American Indians Recovering from Abuses of the Past
The Challenge of Infant Mortality
Health Research in American Indian Communities
Indian Parents Program Helps Raise a New Generation
Understanding Infant Deaths: The Aberdeen Area Perinatal Infant Mortality Review Committee
Can Improving Maternal Oral Health Reduce Preterm Birth?*
Changing Policies, Improving Dental Health: Reducing Soft Drink Sales at School
Low Income Children Have Difficulty Accessing Dental Care
Minnesota Head Start Takes Action for Oral Health
Bringing Smiles to Children in St. Paul and Ramsey County
*Updated article on periodontal disease and preterm birth from November 2, 2006 NEJM
Hunger Solutions Minnesota 2005 Survey
Holes in the Hunger Safety Net
The Hunger-Obestiy Paradox
WIC Food Packages May Change
Building Food Security in North Minneapolis
Mapping Food Insecurity
The School Environment and Health: Public Health Challenges and Achievements
Jeanne Rogge Steele, PhD
Bullying in Schools: Definition, Prevalence, and Prevention Strategies
Marla Eisenberg, ScD, MPH and Elizabeth Ralston, BA
Relational Aggression: Girls Can be Mean, Too
The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
Division of Epidemiology and Community Health Faculty: Developing School-Based Interventions to Create Better World for Youth
Working in Schools: Insight and Advice from Veteran Researchers
Konopka Institute Launches Minnesota Youth Community Learning Initiative
The Narrow Focus of No Child Left Behind: No Focus on Special Education or Health
Minnesota State Senator Steve Kelley
North Dakota Contemplates How to Measure Height and Weight in Schools
Sexuality Education for Students with Disabilities
Working with the Legislature to Promote Teen Sexual Health
The “Healthy Migrant” Effect
Katherine Fennelly, PhD
Healing by Heart
Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera, MD, MA, Dorothy E. Vawter, PhD, Phua Xiong, MD, Barbara Babbitt, BSN, RN, MA, Mary Solberg, PhD, MSW
Impact of Welfare Reform on Immigrants
Audrey Singer, PhD
Will Minnesota Continue to be a National Leader in Health Care for Low-Income Pregnant Immigrant Women?
Kathleen McDonough, JD
Recommendations from the Minnesota Commissioners’ Task Force on Immigrant Health
Patricia Ohmans, MPH
UMOS Inc. Hispanic and Migrant Cultural Competence
Mary Ann Borman, PhD
Integrating Public Health, Mental Health and Special Education Perspectives to Address the Mental Helath Needs of CYSHCN
Glenace E. Edwall, PsyD, LP, Cindy Shevlin-Woodcock, MA and Sarah Thorson, BSW
Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health Problems Among CYSHCN
Joän M. Patterson, PhD, LP
Seamless Mental Health Services in a School Setting
Michael Quesnell, PhD
Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative Within Minnesota Head Start
Catherine Wright, MS and Ann W. Garwick, RN, PhD, LP
The Minnesota Individual Interagency Intervention Plan (IIIP)
John Hurley, MHA and Barbara Leonard, RN, PhD, FAAN
Mental Health of CYSHNC
Joän Patterson, PhD; Maternal and Child Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health Problems among CYSHCN
Joän Patterson, PhD; Maternal and Child Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota
School-Based Mental Health Consultative and Collaborative Series: The St. Cloud Model of Mental Health Triage and Mobile Wellness
Michael D. Quesnell, PhD; Safe Schools/Healthy Students, St. Cloud
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Sarah Thorson; BSW, Minnesota Children with Special Health Care Needs, Minnesota Department of Health.
Children’s Mental Health: Systems of Care
Glenace E. Edwall, Psy.D., Ph.D., LP; Director, Children’s Mental Health Division, Minnesota Department of Human Services
The Special Education Perspective
Cindy Shevlin-Woodcock, Interagency/Mental Health Specialist,Minnesota Department of Education
Pregnancy Intention: Why do we measure it and can we measure it?
Wendy Hellerstedt, MPH, PhD
Family Planning and Environmental Health: Six Billion and Counting
Liz Radel and Wendy Hellerstedt, MPH, PhD
The Dynamics of Contraceptive Vigilance
Carolyne Swain, MS and Cathleen Conway-Johnson, PhD
Family Planning: The Policies and Politics
Amy K. Brugh, MPH
Planned Parenthood of Wicsconsin and City of Milwaukee Health Department Collaboration Benefits City’s Underserved
RoseMary Oliveira
Children’s Special Vulnerability to Environmental Health Risks
Amy Lockheart
Children Living in a Perilous Environment
William Toscano, Jr., PhD
Preventing Pollution Protects Children
Kathleen Schuler, MPH
Keeping Children Safe from Toxic Substances
Marjorie Vigoren, BS
The Impact of Childhood Poverty on Health and Development
Charles Oberg, M.D., MPH
How is Poverty Defined in America? Diane Benjamin, MPH
Childhood Poverty: Pathways and Programs
Arturo Sesma, Jr., Ph.D.
Who Will Care for the Kids? Child Poverty on the Great Plains
Kerstin Gorham, MA
How are the Children? Five Action Areas to Promote Healthy Communities
Luanne Nyberg, MPA
Baby Steps: Helping Children in Poverty Get Off to a Strong Start
Barbara Huus, MS, BSN
The Epidemiology of Asthma Among Children in the U.S.
Joãn Patterson, Ph.D.
Risk and Protective Factors Associated for Childhood Asthma
Paul Kubic, M.D.
Children with Asthma and Welfare Reform
Deborah Schlick
Health Policy and Pediatric Asthma in Minnesota
Gail Brottman, M.D.
Working Together: Schools, Clinics, and Families Help Control Kids’ Asthma
Stephanie Bisson Belseth, RN, MAN, LSN, CPNP
Institute of Medicine Report on Environmental Exposures Associated with Asthma
Minnesota Targets Inner-City Asthma
News from MDH on Implementation of the Asthma State Plan
The Epidemiology of Physical Activity Among Americans
Jamie Stang, Ph.D., MPH, RD
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Physical Activity
Nancy E. Sherwood, PhD
Physical Inactivity, Land Use Patterns, and Public Policy
Kathryn H. Schmitz, Ph.D., MPH
“Partners in Health” – Promoting Physical Activity with Pedometers. Does it Work?
Rebecca Lindberg, MPH, RD, LD
Successful Minnesota Programs Increase Physical Activity
Research on Girls & Women in Sport
News from MDH on Physical Activity Promotion
Promoting Physical Activity with Pedometers. Does it work? (20.2MB)
Rebecca Lindberg, MPH, RD, LD, Center for Health Promotion
Highlights: Minnesota
efforts to promote physical activity
Chris Kimber, MS, RD, H/FI, Physical Activity Promotion Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Health.
Physical activity, Environment and Policy: The link between physical inactivity, land use patterns, and transportation
(416K) or larger version with pictures (20.7 MB)
Kathryn H. Schmitz, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology, University of Minnesota.
Epidemiology of Physical Activity and Inactivity
Jamie Stang, PhD, MPH, RD, University of Minnesota, Division of Epidemiology.
Health and Environmental Risks Associated with Early Childbearing
Wendy Hellerstedt, MPH, Ph.D.
Beyond Disparities: Nurturing Our Young People
Michael D. Resnick, Ph.D.
Aligning Reproductive Health Policies with Reality and Research
Nancy Nelson
“Partners in Health” – What’s Up?
Wendy Hellerstedt, MPH, Ph.D.
Depression and Suicide: Treatable and Preventable Community Mental Health Indicators
Candy Kragthorpe, MSW, LGSW
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Children’s Mental Health
Joän M. Patterson, Ph.D.
The Importance of Promoting Mental Health in Early Childhood
Amy R. Susman-Stillman, Ph.D.
Good Mental Health Care Evolves from Good Public Policies
Joan Sykora, Ph.D.
Health Realization: The Vehicle That Brings You to the Heart of Your Community
Alice L. Poulter
An Epidemic with Staying Power: Underage Drinking
Carol L. Falkowski
Youth Substance Use Prevention – A Focus on Protective Factors
Laurie L. Meschke, Ph.D. and Joan Patterson, Ph.D.
Reducing Youth Access to Alcohol
Traci Toomey, Ph.D.
Selecting and Designing an Effective Prevention Program: Lessons from Project Northland
Carolyn L. Williams, Ph.D.
Minnesota Join Together Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking
Jeff Nachbar
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Current as of February 20, 2015