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A Student Spotlight Interview: How did Katie Quijada’s Interest in LGBTQ+ Health Impact LGBTQ+ Youth in Orange County?

#UMNMCH student Katie (she/they, MPH 2024) describes her deployment at the LGBTQ Center Orange County, a nonprofit community organization that provides programming, outreach, and resources to the LGBTQ+ community. They exist so that every segment of the LGBTQ+ population of Orange County has the resources needed to thrive in their own lives and communities. As […]

Student Spotlight: How did Sara Hildreth’s Interest in Addressing MCH Vaccine Disparities Lead her to Plan and Implement a Successful Immunization Event for Hennepin County Residents?

#UMNMCH student Sara Hildreth (she/her, MPH 2024) reflects on her deployment experience with Hennepin County’s Babytracks and Immulink programs, which seek to address current disparities in infant vaccination rates. Sara helped develop surveys to understand the potential role of doulas in providing vaccine education. She also spearheaded the planning of many community events and clinics […]

Student Spotlight: How is Estefanía Henríquez Luthje’s MCH Program Experience Inspiring Her Desire to Establish an MCH Center in the Dominican Republic?

Estefanía Henríquez Luthje (she/her, MPH 2024), a Fulbright Foreign Student at #UMNMCH, shares a personal reflection on her background as an M.D. in the Dominican Republic, current experience managing the Health Equity Edition of the National MCH Trainee Blog (MCH Leads), and future hopes to establish a Center for MCH in the Dominican Republic. The […]

Want to Expand Your MCH Education? Opportunities are Available with MCH Navigator

The MCH Navigator has created the Learning Program resource as they recognize that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to learning, so it offers a growing selection of learning programs to match participants’ educational needs and time requirements. Participants have access to both (1) focused and fast micro-learning (and micro-reflection) programs for when they need to […]

MCH Student Projects: Global MCH Infographics (PubH 6630)

Students of Foundations of Maternal and Child Health Leadership (MCH) (PubH 6630) researched and designed infographics on global MCH topics. The infographics were designed by MCH students enrolled in PubH 6630 during Fall 2016, and describe the public health issue and offer solutions to help alleviate or improve the selected topic. The course is taught […]

2012 Summer Institute on Adolescent Health: Equal Access, Equal Say: Achieving Health Equity for all Young People

The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health, in partnership with the Center for Adolescent Nursing, the Minnesota Department of Education, the Healthy Youth Development-Prevention Research Center, the Minnesota Department of Health, and Teenwise Minnesota, is pleased to announce the 2012 Summer Institute on Adolescent Health. When: July 30- August 2, 2012 […]

Strong Foundations: Minnesota’s Birth to Three Institute for Healthy Development

The Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health, the Center for Early Education and Development, the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Minnesota Department of Education are excited to sponsor Strong Foundations: Minnesota’s Birth to Three Institute for Healthy Development. The purpose of this institute is […]

Guest Post: Making Lifelong Connections

Danielle Young tells us about her time at the 2nd annual Making Lifelong Connections meeting. Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and sponsored by two MCH training programs across the U.S., Making Lifelong Connections is a one and a half day MCHInterdisciplinary Leadership retreat.  Sunny Walt Disney World was the perfect setting for the […]

APHA Wrap-Up, 2011

With American Public Health Association’s (APHA) annual conference complete, take a look at the general opening session on their YouTube Channel, including a keynote by  Jonathan Jarvis, Director of the National Park Service about the value of open spaces on health. Additional videos include Pamela Hyde from the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services […]

Guest post: reflections on AMCHP from MCH student Annie Fedorowicz

I have been told many times by people working outside the field of public health that my MPH degree in maternal and child health will only be useful as a supplemental degree for my future career. Explaining that I wish to be a public health practitioner is too abstract for people to grasp: “Public health, […]

New resource from WellShare International

WellShare International just released a new DVD for health care providers and their Somali patients: Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies II. Available in Somali with English subtitles, the DVD includes important and culturally-sensitive information on reproductive health topics, including: child spacing breastfeeding healthy eating and exercise C-sections And more. To order a free copy or for […]

Guest post: Nicole Steffens on AMCHP

First year MCH student Nicole Steffens tells us about her experience at AMCHP this year: Adolescent health and public health frameworks, such as the life course model, framed the majority of my experience at AMCHP this year. On Saturday, the Preconception Health Symposium covered various states’ strategies of introducing a preconception framework into state health […]

A new “culture of poverty”: recent research from sociology

An article in this past week’s New York Times explores the scholarly refashioning of America’s “culture of poverty,” a concept popularized by Daniel Patrick Moynihan in his infamous 1965 report, “The Negro Family: The Case For National Action.”  As detailed elsewhere, Moynihan noted some disturbing trends among poor black Americans: fewer sustained marriages, a related […]