Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases place a burden on individuals and families in MN. These burdens are unevenly distributed across populations and areas of the state. Older, rural, 2SLGBTQIA+ Minnesotans bear a higher burden of chronic disease. The prevalence of chronic conditions for Minnesotans 60+ has been increasing since 2009. About 76% of Minnesotans 60+ have at least one chronic condition. Obesity and hypertension also increase across MN populations aged 18-64 (source).


Chronic Disease in Minnesotan Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) Women

Overall findings (source):

  • Adults that identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) living in rural locations have the highest rates of chronic conditions overall (43.8% for rural LGB adults).
  • The rates of chronic conditions in both rural and urban locations are higher for adults that identify as LGB compared to adults that identify as heterosexual.
% of Individuals Identifying as LGB That Have Been Told They Have:Urban SettingsRural Settings
Heart disease2.12.1
Had a heart attack1.53.0
High blood cholesterol17.621.0
High blood pressure20.831.8
Had a stroke1.81.9

Chronic Disease Mortality

  • African American and Asian American women died from stroke 40% more than White women (source)
  • Native American women die from heart disease 52% more often than White women (source)
  • 59 women died due to asthma (source)
  • 367 died due to heart attack (source)
  • 5,953 died due to heart disease (source
  • 647 died due to diabetes (source)
  • 354 died to due chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (source)
  • 250 died due to renal failure (source)