Students of Foundations of Maternal and Child Health Leadership (MCH) (PubH 6630) researched and designed infographics on global MCH topics. The infographics were designed by MCH students enrolled in PubH 6630 during Fall 2016, and describe the public health issue and offer solutions to help alleviate or improve the selected topic.
The course is taught by Zobeida Bonilla, PhD, MPH . Bonilla is the director of the Global Health Certificate program , affiliate faculty in the Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies program and the Department of Chicano and Latino Studies in the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts, and co-investigator at the Center for MCH.
Brazil's C-Section Epidemic by Erin Sodawasser and Julianna Carlson
From Ireland to England: The Journey of Thousands--Abortion Access in Ireland by Emily Laurent and Lauren Post-Ratliff
Big Problems, Big Solutions: Maternal Mortality in Tanzania by Asha Hassan and Joshua Ikuemonison
"A Social Epidemic": Teen Pregnancy in Argentina by Elizabeth Stein and Tolulope Odebunmi
A Silent Industry: Sex Trafficking in Guatemala by Megan Mott and Elise Parks
Education and its Implications in India with a Focus on Girls by Claire Cunningham and Rebecca Strauss
Female Adolescent Sexual Health in the United States by Georgeanna Nguyen, Stephanie Boylan, and Kristen Wanta
Infant Mortality in Thailand by Billy Moua and Katraah Hussein