What’s Inside:
- Adult Incarceration in the United States: Prisons and Jails
- The Health of Incarcerated Individuals: A Life Course Perspective
- Pregnant and Postpartum Incarcerated Women: Legislation in the United States and Minnesota
- A National Survey of Women’s Correctional Facilities: Health Care for Pregnant Incarcerated Women
- Prison Nursery Co-residence and Re-entry: New York Studies
- Healthy Beginnings in Difficult Environments: The William & Mary Healthy Beginnings Project
- Isis Rising: Pregnancy and Parenting Support for Women in Prison
- Conducting Research in Prison Settings: Challenges and Solutions
- Working with Incarcerated Individuals: Balancing Security, Safety, and Health Care
- Mandatory Pregnancy Testing of Incarcerated Women: Is It Constitutional?
- Interested in Making a Difference?
- Consider a Master’s in Public Health Degree in Maternal and Child Health