At the heart of MCH are the families: the women, the infants, the children, the youth, the caregivers, the extended kin networks — those among us who are most vulnerable. Their voices bring shape and color to our work. The parents of children with special health care needs have always held special place in this heart — it is their collective voice that is often the heartbeat that reminds us why we do what we do – and why it matters. They are often the lighthouse guiding us through the storm – providing direction, information, guidance when we need it most. Today – March 21 – is Down Syndrome Awareness Day — and I wanted to share one voice with you that does just that.
Kelle Hampton is a Florida mom, photographer, and blogger who shares her life (and insight) – as the mama of a little girl with an extra chromosome – with thousands and thousands around the world. To read her thoughts on this 2011 World Down Syndrome Awareness Day (or any other day!) visit her online at:

Photo by Kelle Hampton, all rights reserved