Educate yourself and others during Native American and Alaska Indian Heritage Month (November).
Learn about the land that you inhabit through the Native Land Digital tool, and educate yourself and others by looking into these resources:
Maternal and Child Health-Related Resources:
- Article: American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Children Are Overrepresented in Foster Care in States With the Largest Proportions of AIAN Children – Child Trends
- Pre-recorded Webinar: Supporting Indigenous Children and Families: Understanding Risk and Resilience in Cultural, Community and Historical Context and Implications for Practice – Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health
- Article: Federal Policies and Potential Solutions for Indigenous Children, Families, and Communities – Child Trends
General Resources:
- Tool-kit: Sample Lessons for Pre-K through 12th grade – Lessons of Our Land
- Website: Native American Heritage Month – Minority Health
- Website: 8 Ways to Honor Native Peoples on Thanksgiving – Cultural Survival
- Website: Rethinking Thanksgiving Celebrations: Native Perspectives on Thanksgiving – National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian