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Ad Council takes on Unintended Pregnancies

Today CNN covered an opinion piece from Laura Sessions Stepp, a Pulitzer Prize journalist and former Washington Post reporter, on young adults and contraception. The Ad Council has accepted a proposal from The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy to run a series of ads targeting adults in their 20’s to use birth […]

Super Bowl Sunday: A Failed Opportunity to Redirect our Focus on Family Planning

In a break from the typically light-hearted ads promoting cars, soda, and beer, this year’s Super Bowl was the first in history to feature an advertisement from an advocacy organization.  Created by Focus on the Family—an evangelical group opposed to abortion—the ad highlighted the story of Tim Tebow, a Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback for the Florida […]

Ken doll controversy

Mattel is raising eyebrows!  The toy manufacturer, who has repeatedly come under fire for Barbie’s unrealistic dimensions, and who has experienced controversy surrounding some of their other dolls, such as Teen Talk Barbie, who uttered the words “math class is tough”, is at it again.  Introducing, “Sugar Daddy Ken.” While Mattel defends the doll, stating that it is named […]