Mental Health and Well-being Ecological Model

About this Model

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” and defines mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.”

The Socio-ecological Model (SEM) recognizes that individuals affect and are affected by a complex range of social influences and nested environmental interactions. In 2020, we illustrated a Mental Health and Well-being SEM to show that individual, family, organization, community and societal factors influence mental health and well-being. Our SEM considers the whole person and mental health across the lifespan. This public health approach to mental health helps all children and families thrive mentally, socially and emotionally, with and without diagnoses. 

In July 2024, we released an updated version of our Mental Health and Well-being SEM (PDF) to gather additional evidence for the societal level of the existing model.

What’s New in the Updated Model

This mental health and well-being SEM is always evolving, and its authors consider it a living document. The statements on the model address some of the “What?” (i.e., what are the influencing factors around mental health and well-being?), capturing existing research and leaving room for new findings and other ways of knowing (Rivera-Segarra et al., 2022).

Based on our extensive scoping narrative review, the updated SEM continues to expand conversations around mental health promotion, emphasizing how high-level social determinants operate through inner-layer contexts. It also offers communitarian public health action items informed by the literature, as we all have a part to play in supporting each other’s well-being.

Access the detailed report, Societal-level Determinants of Mental Health and Well-being: A Social-Ecological Model and Report, to learn more about our processes and findings.

How to Use this Model

Action Steps (Societal Level of SEM)

The Mental Health and Well-Being SEM in Action

Food for Thought

This SEM was created to help shift the narrative about mental health and mental illness from an individual issue to include the social and environmental responsibility of others (Biglan et. al., 2013)

This model also helps to shift the mental health narrative from one focused on illness to mental well-being, or flourishing (Keyes, 2014; Keyes 2002). The context that the SEM provides helps us consider that with proper support, people with mental health diagnoses can flourish– and people without diagnoses can languish, too. A focus on mental health promotion and primary public health prevention acknowledges the importance of supporting mental well-being for everyone.

We hope this SEM will reveal a bigger picture of well-being, and prompt a range of new strategies across mental and public health. 

About the Socio-Ecological Model

Positionality Statement



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