Research: Transitioning Teens with HIV into Adult Care

This week, to follow theme of our recently published Healthy Generations: MCH in the New Era of HIV, we will be posting articles, pictures, organizations, and advocacy efforts addressing HIV issues today. Come back, check-out the blog, and keep updated on the posts!

In January 2011, the Journal of Pediatric Health Care published an article describing a model for promoting healthy transition of adolescents infected with HIV into adult care. This population faces unique transition challenges, including mental health issues due to chronic disease status, medication adherence, sexual and reproductive debut, health insurance status, stigma, communication and losing pediatric-based care.[i]

The authors describe the Special Adolescent Clinic (SAC) — a “one-stop shop” for HIV-infected adolescents. Referred by departments of health, clinics, hospitals, and community organizations, teens obtain health care from a multidisciplinary, culturally competent approach. SAC’s can work with adult care centers to create protocol for smooth, efficient and safe transition for adolescents. Their model, called “Movin’ Out” utilizes phases to get comfortable with adult physicians and doctor visits, in order to avoid anxiety in an already vulnerable population. To see the study, visit:

[i] Dowshen, N., & D’Angelo, L. (2011). Health Care Transition for Youth Living With HIV/AIDS. Pediatrics , 128 (4), 762 -771.