In October 2022, the Bright Spots Mini-Lab hosted Introduction to Coding Techniques with Prof. Johnny Saldaña. The two-hour workshop covered the fundamentals of qualitative coding and specifically explored coding with NVivo. If you missed this event, the webinar was recorded and shared on our Youtube Channel.
The Mini-Lab event was sponsored by the MCHB-funded UMN COE and Nutrition Training Grants.
Look out for more Bright Spots Mini-Lab events upcoming at: https://mch.umn.edu/mini-lab/.
About Bright Spots Mini-Lab: The goal of the Mini-Lab is to support the growing interest in qualitative and mixed methods research among public health researchers and public health practitioners. We integrate the rich tradition of qualitative inquiry into current public health research so participants can gain a deeper understanding of the public health needs facing our communities, integrate the experiences and perspectives of key stakeholders and community members into research designs, and find solutions to public health problems that take into account the lived experiences of community members.
The Mini-Lab offers participants the space to build or augment the qualitative research skills they’ve learned in classrooms or while at work in their agencies. Together with trainers, MCH and nutrition students, faculty, and other MCH and nutrition colleagues, participants gather regularly for training session labs that provide them with an opportunity to consult with experts on activities that strengthen their skills.