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Why Breastfeed?

Download and share a PDF version of the below information.  Benefits for the Infant Breastfeeding is associated with decreased risks for common infant ailments—from colds to ear, nose, and throat infections to gastrointestinal infections—and to the development of chronic conditions later in life (1). Given the substantial body of evidence supporting the benefits of breast milk […]

The Influence of Health Care Policies on Children’s Health and Development

The Society for Research in Child Development has released their latest Social Policy Report. The latest paper reviews the current state of health insurance for children and youth and contrasts health services with the needs of children and families. It then describes new models of health care, including ones that actively connect health care with other […]

Incarceration’s Impact on Families

The term Housed Out of Facility, or HOF, is one strategy the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MN DOC) uses to address over-crowding issues currently facing Minnesota prisons. When we learned about the impact of HOF on one inmate, we immediately became interested in conducting a Family Impact Analysis about HOF. This mother had been involved in the parenting program at […]

Module: Cross-Cultural Discussion of Disability Policies for Child Welfare Professionals

Created by the Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (CASCW), federal and national policies on school based-disability support for children with mild cognitive and behavioral disabilities, such as special education, are reviewed in this module. With a focus on Minnesota and Japan, the module examines how educators are implementing federal and national policies in their […]