As the Chair for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program, I am thrilled that you are part of the MCH community and pleased that you are interested in the field of MCH. The Maternal and Child Health Program at the University of Minnesota (UMN) has strong historical underpinnings, a vibrant present-day program, and set of activities focused on women, mothers, children, birthing persons, fathers, and families. We are committed to the training of new MCH leaders through our current degree programs, as well as outreach to professionals in the community who are serving MCH populations.
In addition to the standard Masters in Public Health (MPH) degree program, we offer a 42-credit online, advanced standing option and also have an Epidemiology emphasis option. The standard and advanced standing programs may be completed entirely online, in-person or through a hybrid of the two. The curriculum for the MCH-Epi Program prepares a new cadre of MCH leaders with the analytic skills and competencies to provide leadership for evidence-based public health practice. For those seeking doctoral level training, we also offer a concentration in MCH through the Epidemiology doctoral program.
The UMN is also home to one of thirteen Centers of Excellence (COE) in MCH Education, Science and Practice housed at universities across the US. Funded by the MCH Bureau, COEs are tasked with developing the next generation of MCH professionals through graduate degree programs, and offering continuing professional education, consultation and technical assistance to public health professionals, with a focus on Title V. As you peruse this website, you will see many of the products of these efforts, including the Minnesota Women’s Health Report Card (compiled by MCH students) monthly MCH and student eNewsletters, Student Spotlight features, the Center’s active social media channels, Center-sponsored educational events and trainings–including those offered through our Qualitative Methods Mini-Lab)–and much more.
We are proud to be involved with the MCH community working to promote the health and well-being of women, children, youth and families, including fathers and children with special health needs. We work with a superb group of faculty, students and MCH staff here within the Division of Epidemiology at the UMN, as well as with outstanding MCH professionals in the community–including MCH Program alumni.
We welcome your interest and would be happy to receive questions and/or feedback about our MCH Program or this website.
Zobeida E. Bonilla, PhD, MPH, MA | 612-626-1733